
July 2021 Message from the President

Jul 13, 2021, 00:00 AM by Dr. Harold McKenzie

Message from the president

Dear Fellow ACVIM Diplomates,

It is my sincere hope that this message greets you getting back to a more normal summer season and all that it offers. As the world begins to look more normal and resume activity post pandemic, the ACVIM is beginning to advance new initiatives and navigate through the newest phase of growth for our organization. 

I’d like to begin by extending a warm welcome to our new members. Despite the difficulties that the past year presented, we had 35 individuals board into the college! Congratulations to each of you on this accomplishment. You can find a complete list here.

In June, the Board of Regents met virtually over the course of two days to conduct its standing bi-annual meeting. This included a review of governance best practices, to define the Board’s role in leading future bylaw amendments. We also heard reports from committee chairs on various proposals and ongoing business being conducted. We have created a thorough report for reference. You can read it here or find it in the file library of the Diplomate Announcement ACVIM360 community.

During those meetings the Membership Committee reported on the survey findings from the recent member needs assessment. The committee identified key initiatives to begin focused work on, which will be guided by the principles of diversity and inclusion to inform a refreshed member value proposition. Those include:
• Business support
• Wellbeing
• Mentorship
• Multi-faceted marketing support

• Candidate support

Additionally, the committee is working to draft a full report to disseminate to the membership. Expect to receive that in the coming months. They will also present a short report at each specialty business meeting followed by a Q&A session at the upcoming ACVIM Town Hall. 

I encourage you to join us for the Town Hall meeting on July 15th. I will be co-hosting it along with ACVIM CEO, Dr. Linda Fineman. We look forward to sharing a review of the past year, as well as updates on the due diligence being conducted regarding the possible addition of the American College of Veterinary Nutrition as the sixth specialty of the ACVIM. We have scheduled time to engage in an interactive Q&A session, to address any outstanding member questions or concerns, and give you the opportunity to let your voices be heard. You should have received information on how to attend via email, but it will also be posted in ACVIM360 the day before the meeting, or you can reach out to to have those details forwarded.

In conclusion, I want to thank all of the many volunteers who completed their committee terms at the end of June. The work of our college is dependent upon their service and the countless volunteer hours needed to lead initiatives and support the business of the ACVIM. We continue to advance the veterinary profession because of our volunteers. Thank you!

This is an exciting time to be a member of the ACVIM. Thank you for your engagement and support of our college!

Harold McKenzie, DVM, MS, MSc (VetEd), FHEA, DACVIM (LAIM)
President, ACVIM
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