
Welcome, Veterinary Students!

The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) is the national certifying organization for veterinary specialists in large and small animal internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, nutrition and oncology. The ACVIM currently has 33 active ACVIM Student Chapters (SCACVIM) at AVMA-accredited veterinary colleges and universities in North America and beyond.

Benefits of joining and/or establishing an ACVIM Student Chapter include:
  • Learn how to become a Board-certified specialist.
  • Learn about the referral process which serves as a partnership between veterinarians, animal owners and specialists.
  • Be involved in the organization of scholarly activities, speaking engagements and symposiums that benefit and help educate the chapter’s student affiliates.
  • Receive discounts to attend the annual ACVIM Forum conference.

For more information on joining an existing chapter or establishing a new chapter, please refer to Student Chapter Information. If you have any questions, please contact your chapter's president, or email

Nutrition Students

Resources: American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition (AAVN) - membership is free for students.

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