
October 2020 Message from the President

Oct 13, 2020, 00:00 AM by Dr. Harold McKenzie

Message from the president

Dear Fellow ACVIM Diplomates,

If there has been one constant in 2020, it is that we have all had to learn to face and adapt to the challenges presented. Much like the changing of the seasons, things may look different, but we move forward and adapt knowing that ultimately it is temporary and soon there will be another season.

With that in mind, I am excited to present to you some of the adaptations the ACVIM has made as we have looked to address these challenges. During the third quarter, the ACVIM Board of Regents approved a task force that will work to confront diversity and inclusion issues within the college and the veterinary profession. The task force is Chaired by Chamisa Herrera DVM, MS, DACVIM (Oncology) and comprised of a diverse group of members and non-members who are experts in diversity and inclusion social issues. The group has begun to meet and will report to the Board on the early strategy at the November Board meeting.

Another exciting initiative the Membership Committee has taken on is an evaluation of member benefits in order to generate a member value proposition. They have contracted with Association Laboratory who will be conducting a phased analysis including a qualitative survey sampling that will then inform a quantitative survey of the membership. Association Laboratory’s work will be steered by the Membership Committee and results reported to the BOR during the June 2021 meeting. The qualitative work has already begun, and you can expect to be invited to participate in a quantitative survey early in 2021. I will follow up with more details about that in my next message.

I wish you all the best as 2020 winds down. Let’s do what we can to take the lessons this year has taught us forward and leave the disappointments behind. Be well!



Harold McKenzie, DVM, MS, MSc (VetEd), FHEA, DACVIM (LAIM)
President, ACVIM

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