Downloads – number of times an article file is downloaded as a pdf from the website. This metric is a very clear indicator of the interest in a particular article by our readers. It is a direct indicator of the usage of the article
and the Journal.
Impact Factor – The average number of times an article in JVIM is cited (referred to) in another scientific article. This is a “journal level” metric and is used as an indicator of the relative importance or influence
of the journal. It is hotly contested and much argued about as it relies on citations in other scientific literature, which is not a good measure of the usefulness of the article to most readers. JVIM reports impact factor, but it is not our main
indicator of success or influence. The 2020 IF is based on citations in 2020 to articles published in 2018 and 2019. The JCI uses a three year time line.
The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a journal over a recent three year period. The average JCI in a category is 1. Journals
with a JCI of 1.5 have 50% more citation impact than the average in that category. It may be used alongside other metrics to help you evaluate journals.
Journals ranked more highly than JVIM. Based on the IF, in the “veterinary sciences” category include:
Lab Animal (1,000 citations)
Ann Rev Anim Biosci (1,470)
Animal Nutrition (1,889)
Transboundary and Emerging Dis (7,104)
Fish and Shellfish Immunology (29,735)
Medical Mycology (6,503)
Vet Res (6,873)
Devel Comp Immunol (11,385)
Frontiers in Vet Sci (5,002)
Avian Pathol (5,073)
Vet Clin Nth Am-Food Anim (2,839)
JVIM (11,618)