
October 2021 Message from the President

Oct 19, 2021, 12:38 PM by Harold McKenzie

Dear Fellow ACVIM Diplomates,

As the seasons once again change, I reflect on how the ACVIM as an organization has experienced a number of distinct changes this year as well. From the discussion and deliberation to add nutrition as our sixth specialty, to the work of the Transformation Task Force evaluating the establishment of a body charged with governing our certification program, there is a lot in motion right now. The year has brought us many opportunities, along with challenges and growth. In light of that, I am happy to provide some updates to ongoing initiatives.

As of October 1st, Nutrition became the sixth specialty of the ACVIM. The staff has begun work on an implementation plan that includes welcoming the new specialty and members, transitioning the certification process, incorporating new volunteers in nutrition and the logistics of updating our website and technical components. It is a significant undertaking that will require time. However, I would like to take this opportunity to specifically welcome our new members in the specialty of Nutrition, and I hope you will join me in extending the same.

The Membership Committee has also completed its work on the engagement survey and recently released a report detailing the findings. If you missed the announcement, you can view both the report and complete data set by following the link below. Please note, you must be logged in to access.

View the Survey & Report >>

As an initial response to these findings, the committee has created new resources offering expertise and support to members on the topics of wellbeing and diversity, equity and inclusion. I encourage you to visit these pages and utilize these resources as needed.

Member Support Resources >>

Finally, in response to member requests regarding a separate discussion listserv for non-clinical topics, we have created a new ACVIM360 community. It provides a space for broader conversation on topics of interest, while preserving the current specialty listservs for more clinically focused discussions. The new ACVIM360 community listserv, titled, "Non-Clinical Discussion" is intended to provide ACVIM members a place to share information of interest, such as locum needs and opportunities, quality external CE offerings and other non-clinical items relevant to specialty veterinary medicine. Of importance to note is that while all members have access to this community, you were not automatically opted in to receive email messages from the new listserv. If you would like to be opted into email for this new community or any ACVIM360 discussion log into and visit your profile page. You can then set any of your ACVIM360 Communities to no email, a single daily summary (digest) email, or real-time email notifications with every post.

Our community continues to grow, which offers numerous opportunities for our organization to have a significant impact on the profession. The leadership of the ACVIM will continue to work to address the trends impacting specialty veterinary medicine. We invite your input into all of these activities, and will continue to lead the organization with your needs and our mission as our guide.

As we close out 2021 and look to a new year, I hope each of you are able to enjoy this season and have many opportunities to be thankful. I know I speak for the Board of Regents when I say we are grateful for your membership, your engagement and your commitment to our profession.


Harold McKenzie, DVM, MS, MSc (VetEd), FHEA, DACVIM (LAIM)
President, ACVIM

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