The mission of the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine is to advance veterinary medical knowledge and improve the lives of animals by publication of authoritative scientific articles of animal diseases. JVIM provides an international forum for communication and discussion of the latest developments in large and small animal internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, nutrition and oncology.
JVIM is seeking applicants for two Associate Editors: one in Small Animal Internal Medicine (with expertise in gastroenterology) and another in Neurology. The appointees will join one other Associate Editor of Neurology and one other Associate Editor Small Animal Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology and will be members of the JVIM Editorial Board.
In January 2015, the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine moved to an online, open access format. Articles submitted to the Journal that are accepted for publication will benefit from this open access model, taking readership to a global audience. In addition, Journal articles from 1997 through 2014 are now available for free. More information can be found in the JVIM section of the FAQs page.
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